Laser Skin Treatments

Injectables & Skin Care Doctors Serving Miami, South Miami, Coral Gables, Miami Beach & Nearby Florida

Wrinkle Relaxers

Lasers are one of the greatest things to happen to the field of nonsurgical skin rejuvenation. These devices offer an excellent way to achieve smooth, vibrant skin at any age. Thanks to modern advancements, laser skin resurfacing treatments are incredibly safe and effective. Even patients with darker skin tones can often find a service that’s perfect for addressing their aesthetic needs.

Find out how cosmetic lasers can help you can achieve the results you’re looking for during a consultation with experienced physician Dr. Shaun Patel. Call 786-618-5039 today to arrange your initial visit to our modern clinic. Miami Skin and Vein welcomes patients from Miami, Coral Gables, Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale, and nearby areas of Florida.

How Lasers Work

A laser is a device that generates a narrow, intense beam of light which can be focused on a small area. Cosmetically, lasers rely on specific wavelengths that jump-start your skin’s natural healing phase. Through this process, your skin becomes more even in tone and texture.

There are two main categories of lasers:

  • Ablative: These lasers work by removing outer layers of skin, almost like a deep chemical peel. Eliminating old, dull skin cells encourages fresh, healthy cells to take their place. The depth that the laser penetrates is customizable based on your skin condition and the results you want to achieve. These lasers may involve some social downtime, but can often produce significant results with a single treatment session.
  • Non-ablative: Lasers that do not break the surface of the skin are known as non-ablative. Instead of removing skin cells, these devices work by gently heating the targeted area to stimulate collagen from within. Non-ablative treatments can help restore firmness, as well as even out skin’s tone and texture. They typically offer a gradual improvement over multiple sessions and involve no downtime.

Within these categories, fractionated lasers are incredibly popular. Fractionated lasers are unique because they treat microscopic sections of the skin while leaving the surrounding area untouched. This approach allows for dramatic results with less downtime. Fractionated lasers can be ablative or non-ablative.

Dr. Patel offers both categories of laser treatments at his practice. Many of these devices rely on laser energy alone to effectively rejuvenate the skin. However, some treatments incorporate additional forms of therapeutic energy to enhance your results.

during laser treatment

What Lasers Can Treat

Lasers are incredibly versatile. These devices can treat many of the top cosmetic concerns you may be experiencing, including:

Keep in mind that this is not a complete list of the concerns that lasers can treat. Lasers owe their tremendous popularity to the fact that they can improve virtually any skin issue. During your consultation with Dr. Patel, he will happily evaluate your concerns and determine if lasers are the ideal treatment.

Ideal Candidates For Laser Treatments

Laser treatment may be a great option if you’re looking for a way to rejuvenate your skin without surgery. You’re likely a good candidate if you have one or more aesthetic concerns that you want to treat, as well as realistic expectations for the results. Certain characteristics of your skin may affect your candidacy, so please arrange an in-person consultation to find out if these treatments are right for you.

It is a misconception that cosmetic lasers are only appropriate for light skin tones. While it is true that some lasers, like IPL, are not ideal for use on darker skin due to the risk of post-inflammatory pigmentation, safe and effective options do exist.

woman after lasers

It is a misconception that cosmetic lasers are only appropriate for light skin tones. While it is true that some lasers, like IPL, are not ideal for use on darker skin due to the risk of post-inflammatory pigmentation, safe and effective options do exist.

That being said, patients with dark brown or black skin may experience a greater benefit from other skin resurfacing options such as Ematrix/Sublative and microneedling. The best way to find out if laser treatments are appropriate for your skin type is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Patel. He can match you with the ideal cosmetic service for your unique complexion.


AviClear is the first FDA-cleared energy device to treat mild, moderate, and severe acne. It works by suppressing sebaceous glands in order to reduce oil production. This treatment is a good alternative to irritating topical products and harsh acne medications. It typically takes three 60-minute sessions to achieve a dramatic reduction in acne formation.

Clear + Brilliant Laser

Clear + Brilliant is a fractional laser skin treatment clinically proven to address visible signs of aging and environmental damage.  Known as “baby Fraxel,” it’s an ideal way to improve concerns such as:

  • Fine lines
  • Enlarged pores
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Irregular skin texture

The treatment is gentle and involves no downtime. A single 15- to 20-minute treatment session will leave your skin glowing. After several sessions, the Clear + Brilliant laser can give you a smoother, more radiant, and younger-looking complexion. This service is a popular choice amongst individuals who are preparing for big events, such as weddings.

Patients often see visible improvements after 4-6 treatments, though some choose to incorporate additional sessions into their skin care routine. Your results can last for several months, depending on your age, how diligently you take care of your skin, and other factors.

Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing

Many people, including Dr. Patel, consider CO2 laser treatments the gold standard when it comes to skin resurfacing. The CO2RE™ system is the latest generation of fractional carbon dioxide laser resurfacing. It can be used on the face, neck, chest, and hands to improve issues such as:

  • Significant textural irregularities
  • Deep acne scars
  • Wrinkles
  • Loose skin
  • Pigmentation concerns
  • Redness

A great thing about CO2RE is that it’s incredibly flexible. This device offers light, medium, and deep treatments. Dr. Patel will adjust these settings based on your goals, what you are willing to tolerate, and the amount of downtime that you can fit in your schedule. Generally, it takes multiple mild sessions spaced over several visits to accomplish the same results as one aggressive treatment.

Patients with significant concerns, such as deep acne scars or etched in wrinkles, may also benefit from the fusion setting on the CO2RE device. The fusion settings combines mid and deep settings in a ring with core pattern. The strongest CO2RE setting, fusion offers exceptional skin rejuvenation without surgery.

Elos Plus

elos Plus is a multi-application laser platform that offers three in-demand skin rejuvenation treatments: IPL, Sublative, and Sublime. Each treatment is unique, using different modalities to correct different cosmetic concerns. In addition to laser energy, these handpieces incorporate beneficial optical and radiofrequency therapies to make them safer and more effective. And while the treatments can be used alone, they offer exceptional results when combined.

Patients with a wide range of skin concerns will likely benefit from an elos Plus session, as the technology can improve problems such as:

  • Acne scars
  • Sun damage
  • Skin discoloration
  • Pigmentation issues
  • Irregular skin texture
  • Stretch marks
  • Skin laxity
  • Wrinkles
  • Large pores

Depending on the nature and intensity of your elos Plus treatment, you may experience some minor social downtime. Your skin may appear slightly red and swollen after the first treatment. You may also have grid-like markings that can take up to a week to fade. Fortunately, makeup can be applied immediately after IPL and Sublime treatment and 1 day after Sublative treatment to cover these marks.

Vbeam® Pulsed-Dye Laser

The Vbeam® Perfecta laser is one of the world’s most popular pulsed-dye lasers, or PDLs. PDL lasers use a special duration and wavelength of energy that is great for selectively treating redness and other concerns.

The Vbeam laser is an excellent way to improve issues such as:

  • Spider veins
  • Spider and cherry angiomas
  • Port wine stains
  • Visible leg veins
  • Inflamed acne
  • Stretch marks
  • Wrinkles

Vbeam Perfecta features next-generation PDL technology, making it incredibly safe and versatile.  For your comfort, a patented cooling feature soothes and protects the skin throughout the treatment.

In terms of social downtime, some patients may experience redness or swelling after a Vbeam session. Occasionally, a laser bruise or “purpura” may occur, disappearing within three to five days to reveal healthy skin.

LaseMD Ultra

If you want to treat pigmentation problems for even-toned skin, choose LaseMD Ultra. It’s the most powerful device of its kind but comes with a surprisingly short recovery. You have non-ablative fractional laser technology to thank for that.

On top of fading skin pigmentation, LaseMD Ultra is also perfect for improving enlarged pores, superficial lines and wrinkles, uneven texture, and other concerns. It can even be used for general rejuvenation to give you a beautiful, radiant glow. The treatment is highly customizable, making it perfect for all skin types and ages.

Lutronic Genius Radiofrequency Microneedling

It’s time to give your complexion a pick me up with Lutronic Genius, a game-changing radiofrequency microneedling treatment. It speeds up collagen and elastin production to improve the quality, tone, and texture of your skin. Smart features mean that you'll enjoy an effective treatment and consistent results.

Rely on this innovative device to target specific skin concerns or provide overall rejuvenation for a gorgeous outcome. It even offers skin tightening benefits. And unlike many other aesthetic treatments, Lutronic Genius can be used on nearly any area of the body.

Thermage® FLX

Thermage FLX is a non-invasive skin tightening treatment that uses radiofrequency energy. Radiofrequency energy gently penetrates the treatment area and heats the collagen-rich layers of the skin. This process creates collagen denaturation and immediate contraction followed by a wound healing process and new collagen formation leading to further skin tightening and thickening over time.

Some of the benefits that you can expect from Thermage FLX include:

  • More comfortable sessions due to integrated cooling and vibration
  • Little to no downtime after your appointment
  • Noticeable improvements from just one treatment
  • Results that keep getting better and can last for several years

How To Pick The Right Laser Treatment

There are several factors to keep in mind when choosing a laser treatment. Dr. Patel will carefully go over these and other considerations during your initial consultation:

  • Social downtime: Laser treatments don’t require downtime in the same way as invasive surgical procedures. For the most part, they don’t inhibit your ability to perform your normal routine or demand that you rest at home. Instead, they may involve something that people describe as social downtime. This refers to a period of time in which you may choose to refrain from social settings for cosmetic reasons, such as facial redness.
woman picking laser treatment
  • Availability for treatments: It is important to consider how much availability you have to come to the clinic for laser sessions. Some people don’t mind visiting our practice multiple times in order to achieve their desired results through mild treatments. Others prefer a one-and-done approach, opting for a more aggressive session that requires fewer appointments.For example, powerful lasers like fractionated CO2 can often achieve a complete result in one session or, in some cases, in a second session six months after the first. On the other hand, IPL may require at least three sessions to produce the desired outcome.
  • Your comfort level: All of the laser treatments that Dr. Patel offers are tolerable. Any discomfort can easily be minimized using a topical anesthetic. However, it is important to decide what you are comfortable with. Some services are characterized by a mild, warm sensation while others feel more like the snap of a rubber band.
  • Your cosmetic concerns: Lasers tend to be optimized to address specific concerns. The nature of your unique skin issues may determine which laser is the most appropriate.

Pre-Treatment Instructions For Patients Undergoing Laser Treatments

  1. Do not wear makeup on the day of treatment.
  2. No sun tanning or self-tanner 4 weeks prior to treatment. This includes spray tans, tanning lotions, tanning beds, and sun exposure.
  3. Avoid treatments such as waxing and depilatories for 2 weeks prior to your treatment.
  4. Please stop all skin irritating topicals such as retinol, tretinoin, glycolic and salicylic acid, and astringents for 7 days prior to your laser treatment.
  5. Patients with a history of cold sores may require premedication with Valtrex. Please call our office and Dr. Patel will write you a prescription for Valtrex.

How Should I Treat My Skin Following Laser Services To Speed Recovery And Avoid Harm To The Skin?

  1. Avoid sun exposure and use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) 30+ sunscreen. Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours. Your skin will be particularly sensitive to the sun after the procedure.
  2. Do not rub, scrub, or pick at treated areas.
  3. Avoid exercise or any other activities (sauna, hot tubs) that may make your face red/flush.
  4. Avoid skin irritants such as retinol, tretinoin, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic and salicylic acid, and astringents until your skin has completely healed or until okayed by Dr. Patel.
  5. Notify the clinic if you notice any blistering, excessive redness or swelling, pain or itchiness.

Designing Your Custom Treatment Plan

No two patients have the same skin. That is why Dr. Patel fully believes in understanding your unique situation. He will ask about your goals, medical history, treatment record, and complexion concerns. From there, he will work to develop a highly-customized treatment plan just for you.

In some cases, a single laser device may be enough to accomplish your skin goals. However, different lasers can also be used together to treat multiple aesthetic conditions. Dr. Patel will let you know if he thinks you will benefit from one laser or several.

For the most comprehensive rejuvenation, Dr. Patel may also recommend incorporating non-laser treatments. Often, optimal results can be achieved when you combine your laser service with a treatment like microneedling. Microneedling is another way of triggering your skin’s innate healing mechanism, though this technique relies on fine medical-grade needles instead of light energy.

Schedule Your Miami Laser Treatment

Learn more about laser skin rejuvenation in Miami during a consultation with Dr. Patel. Call 786-618-5039 to schedule your initial visit to Miami Skin & Vein. We happily serve Coral Gables, Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale, and nearby areas of Florida.

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Miami Skin & Vein is the best place to go if you want natural and excellent results. The staff and Dr. Patel are so nice, love coming back to Miami skin & vein!

–S.M., Actual Patient*


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