Jawline Fillers Serving Miami, Kendall, Pinecrest, & Palmetto Bay
A sharp jawline has been a sign of beauty since Egyptian times, but you may not have clear definition in this area due to age or genetics. At Miami Skin and Vein, we offer many different treatments that can give you the contour you want. In fact, you may benefit from a customized approach that incorporates several of the options listed below.
When you visit us for a consultation, Dr. Patel will create an individualized plan for addressing your cosmetic issues without surgery. Call 786-618-5039 to schedule your consultation or treatment session. Patients from Miami, Coral Gables, Miami Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, and nearby areas of Florida are welcome at our modern and inviting clinic.
Understanding Jawline Definition
A strong jawline can become weak over time. As you age, fat beneath the surface of your skin fades, but it also descends and redistributes itself in unwanted ways. To make matters worse, you also lose volume in your jawbone.
An undefined jawline can be an issue for younger patients too. Due to your unique bone structure and the shape of your face, your chin and jaw may not have the elegant look that you desire.
The desire to improve your jawline is very common. Thankfully, Dr. Patel has a solution.
Jawline Fillers
Injectable dermal fillers offer impressive results when it comes to restoring lost jawline volume. These gel-like formulas also correct the aesthetic impact of age-related jawbone insufficiency. Thicker fillers are ideal for this area, and Dr. Patel knows how to administer them to create a stunning outcome.
Popular fillers for the jawline include:
Dysport treatment to the jawline to improve jawline definition. Also treated chin with Restylane Defyne and submental fat (fat below chin).
Nefertiti Lift Using BOTOX® Cosmetic
The Nefertiti Lift is a great option for younger patients who want a subtle improvement in the definition of their jawline. However, it may not be the ideal treatment for older patients who have significant volume loss.
This treatment relaxes your platysma muscle through the strategic placement of BOTOX®. This is the muscle that runs all the way from your chest to your face. Your platysma muscle constantly pulls down on the face and jawline, tugging at your features.
By relaxing this muscle right at the jawline, the contour and definition of the area will improve. The treatment can also be used to address the appearance of prominent vertical neck bands as well.
Energy-Based Devices
Energy-based devices can tighten skin and help with jawline definition. This reduces skin laxity and sagging to define the jawline.
Combining Treatment Options
All of these treatments can be combined. In fact, they can all be performed on the same day. Of course, that approach may not be right for everyone, but it can provide remarkable results for the right patient.
Usually, an energy-based treatment should be performed first because it involves deep skin heating. Then, fillers can be placed in the chin or jawline. Lastly, Dr. Patel may strategically inject BOTOX®.
Dr. Patel will create an individualized treatment plan for you. He will find the best way to help you achieve the jawline definition you desire. In the end, it’s important to love the way you look!
Discover The Best Way To Improve Your Jawline In Miami
Facelifts and neck lifts can improve the appearance of your jaw, but these methods come with a high price tag and a significant recovery period. At Miami Skin and Vein, we want to provide a way for you to achieve your goals without surgery.
Call 786-618-5039 to schedule your consultation or treatment session. We happily serve Miami, Coral Gables, Miami Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, and nearby areas of Florida.