Dysport treatment to upper face and jawline and Restylane treatment in Coral Gables, FL Injectables & Skin Care Doctors Serving Miami, South Miami, Coral Gables, Miami Beach & Nearby Florida Nonsurgical facelift using filler and Dysport Medical grade microneedling with PRP using the FDA cleared SkinPen device Correcting lip asymmetry using Restylane Kysse Dysport treatment to upper face and jawline and Restylane treatment to undereyes Dysport treatment to upper face and jawline and pan-facial Sculptra injections What to expect during a cosmetic consultation with Dr. Patel Using Dysport and Sculptra to correct facial asymmetry Enhancing face shape using Dysport and filler Sculptra for facial volume loss and Dysport for upper face wrinkles and enlarged masseters SkinPen with PRP for acne scars Treating facial volume loss using Sculptra Dysport for upper face lines and enlarged masseters Neck rejuvenation using "microDysport" technique Pan-facial rejuvenation using Restylane Explanation of Dysport treatment for upper face lines and enlarged masseters Pan-facial rejuvenation using Sculptra and Restylane Defyne Using lasers to treat a "tummy tuck" abdominoplasty surgical scar PRP injections to the scalp for hairloss Chin filler treatment using Restylane Defyne Cheek filler, lip filler, and Dysport treatment VBeam Perfecta pulsed dye laser treatment for sundamage on chest LaseMD Ultra laser treatment for melasma, hyperpigmentation, and skin rejuvenation Dysport treatment for upper face lines and enlarged masseters Temple and lateral eyebrow filler treatment Schedule a Consultation Today